Category: Appetizers

Avocado Egg Salad Toast

Get ready to savor a childhood favorite: avocado egg salad toast. It is one of the best avocado recipes. This dish brings back memories of cozy weekend mornings with my mom. I’ve put my own spin on the classic recipe to make it even tastier and more nostalgic.

Arugula and Cabbage Salad with Lemon and Red Pepper Paste

Growing up, my mom’s kitchen was my culinary classroom, and it’s where I first learned about this salad. Adding my twist to the recipe, I introduced cabbage to give this delicious taste.

Kale Tabouli with Quinoa and Lemon Juice:

The first time I got to know about kale was at my rheumatologist’s clinic. Someone there was raving about it, sharing how it’s a game-changer with all its nutrients .So, I did my own little investigation and discovered that this veggie is loaded with stuff that can ease inflammation in the body. It’s…

Fattoush Salad

I crave eating this salad as a sank at work. I sometimes tell myself that when I go home, I will prepare it. If you go to any middle eastern restaurant, you will find Fattoush. It is great to eat it alone or with BBQ Fattoush, a much-loved salad in Middle Eastern and…